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Please familiarize yourself with the 24 hour cancellation policy/reschedule policy.

*Arrive few minutes before your appointment time and text when you have arrived, stay in vehicle, and we will unlock the doors when ready for you.*

Before Your Sugaring Appointment


*If this is your first sugaring experience, please make sure your hair growth is at least 1/4 inch long (like the length of grain rice)  or 10-14 days growth if you have been shaving.  For thick coarse hair preferably 10-14 days growth after shaving.  Hair needs to be up above skin and laying flat not sticking straight up.  If you have been waxing or sugaring, approximately 3-6 weeks growth is needed.  For Brazilians if hair is too long it may need to be trimmed, and there will be an extra charge for this service. If you are attempting to trim yourself it is probably best to leave it so you do not cut hair too short, if you are remember hair length should be 1/4 inch.  See below for hints for PAIN Sensitivity!!!

*Sugaring is Amazing for Weddings, Grads, or other Special Occasions, but if you have Never tried sugaring it is Highly recommended that you Do Not have treatments the day before or day of your special event if it is your first time.  It is an all natural treatment, but in a rare case you may be sensitive or have a reaction, so best if you don't  have treatments so close to a special event.  Also, for best results it is recommended to have several treatments before your special day.

*If this is your first sugaring you may not be left with completely smooth skin, but don't be discouraged.  Some clients are smooth as a baby's bottom after the first appointment, but it is possible and normal to be left with a wee bit of stubble after first appointment even after couple times. Stubble can happen when the hair is thick and coarse, and also because there are three phases of hair growth each lasting about 28 days.  It can take a few regular appointments for some clients  to see the best results.


*The area(s) to be sugared should be thoroughly  cleaned prior to your appointment.


*Avoid using any oils, creams, perfumes, or deodorants on the area(s) to be sugared the day of the sugaring treatments.  This may inhibit the ability to remove the hair and make the treatment less effective.

*No make-up or moisturizer on Face in area to be sugared


*Avoid the sun for 24 hours prior to your appointment, as sunburned skin cannot be sugared.


*Avoid exfoliating on the same day of your appointment as the combination of exfoliating and sugaring on the same day may irritate sensitive skin.


*If you are inclined to be pain sensitive, it may be helpful to use a painkiller 30 minutes before your appointment, which will help ease the sensitivity of the area, and will help you feel more at ease.


*Please be sure to trim long hair that has not been attended to before your appointment.  If this is your first time, or it has been longer than 6 weeks since your last appointment, or the hair is longer than 1 inch long, you need to trim hair to no shorter than 1/4 inch long, or no shorter than a grain of rice.  If hair is too long, you may end up with breakage and increased pain. If you are unable to trim before appointment (more so bikini area) , there will be an Extra charge for trimming, which will be needed in order to properly sugar the area.


*Women may want to avoid sugaring a few days before, during, or few days after their menstrual cycle, as skin may be more sensitive and the procedure may cause more pain.  If you are not sensitive, just wear a tampon and tuck in the strings.

*Men should bring a clean preferably white t-shirt to change into after a chest or back sugaring service.

*The PAIN FACTOR - Things to reduce the Sting*

1.  Take over the counter Pain killers such as Tylenol(acetaminophen)

(CAUTION: some pain killers may thin the blood which will increase chances of bleeding and bruising during service, so DO NOT use Aspirin or Naproxen (Ibuprophen has mild blood thinning as well)  Use Non-blood thinning products,  but  double check and ask your Doctor/Pharmacist for advice on which one to choose.)

2. The first sugaring is most painful, by the second it will be much easier, the third and 4th it will be even better.  You will then start to have roughly the same discomfort each time.  The hair follicle is not as deep in the skin and has barely any blood supply if you come every 3-4 weeks to start.  Note: Pain tolerance varies by person. Majority find sugaring less painful than waxing. ***If you have a low pain tolerance we recommend following the pre appointment recommendations but an  over the counter numbing cream can be applied to any sensitive areas , but it could affect the treatment, and it must be applied at least 30 minutes prior to your hair removal.

3. Clients can take an antacid or antihistamine 10-20 min prior to hair removal.  An antacid can reduce the acid in your system which will reduce sensitivity. An antihistamine can help prevent swelling due to inflammation in the body.

4.  Ideally, clients should have little or NO Caffeine in their systems. Caffeine heightens sensitivity.  As well Avoid Alcohol, Illicit Drugs such as Marijuana, and Cigarettes prior to appointment as these can also increase pain sensitivity during service.

5. Sugaring during your menstrual cycle is okay, during your cycle your body may be more sensitive due to hormonal changes which can cause treatment to be more painful.  That being said many clients end up removing hair during their cycle who have no problems. If you are going to,  just wear a tampon, and tuck the strings out of the way!

6.  As mentioned before hair should be approximately 1/4 inch in length preferably no longer, or pain will most likely be increased and greater chance of hair breakage.


After Your Sugaring Appointment


*The most important thing to remember after getting sugared is to keep the area as clean as possible.  After the hair is removed the pore is open, and if too much bacteria gets in the pore, the skin could become irritated.


*Avoid touching your freshly sugared area(s) with unwashed hands.  It is very tempting to feel your soft and smooth skin , but dirty hands can put bacteria  into your open pores.


*Try to avoid heavy sweating for 12-24 hours after treatment.


*Avoid Hot baths or Hot showers, Saunas, or Hot tubs, as this may increase skin sensitivity.


*Try to avoid Chlorine pools for 12-24 hours after treatment.


*Avoid sun exposure including tanning beds for at least 24 hours after your treatment.  Sugared skin will be more sensitive to UV rays, and your skin may sunburn more easily.


*Avoid using perfumed lotions or soaps, or oils, these may irritate the skin, and clog the pores.

*Avoid tight fitting clothing.

*Wear cotton underwear.

*Drink water


If your skin is more sensitive, you may experience temporary redness.  This reaction is normal, and disappears within an hour or

so after your treatment.  Tiny red spots may also appear on the skin, but do not be alarmed.  This is just an indication that the hairs have been removed from the follicle and is quite normal after a sugaring treatment.  They will disappear.  You may apply a ice-cold compress several times for a few minutes at a time, to help reduce redness.  To quickly reduce any redness on your face it is helpful to use a cold cloth or wrap an ice-cube in a wet cloth.


Exfoliation is important when the hair is being removed by the root.  Many people are subject to in-grown hairs due to the fact that the hair is out of the follicle for weeks giving the dead skin cells a chance to form over the mouth of the follicle, thus causing the hair to grow under the skin when it reappears.  To Prevent this from happening, exfoliate daily by using a sloughing glove when bathing to remove dead skin cells.  Dry Brushing is a very effective way to exfoliate the skin.  Also keep the skin moisturized after you bathe.  Also to help prevent in-grown hairs add 1/2 cup of Epsom salts, and 1/2 cup baking soda to your bath.   If this isn't doing the trick for ingrown hairs, try another natural product, SERIOUS SERUM which has multiple benefits for use.  These products are available to purchase in-store at your appointment.


Best Results occur when you establish a routine suitable to your hair growth, since diminishment of hair growth is a gradual process and is achieved by regular treatments over a period of time.  Please DO NOT use a razor or depilatory cream between appointments.  The usual time span between appointments is 3-4 weeks, and more often during the summer.  Best results for diminishment of hair is when the hair is removed in the first stage of hair growth (generally 3-4 weeks) where the hair is still attached to the root.  Due to hair cycle, Brazilians are best done within 3-4 weeks in the first few treatments. Also, due to changes that may occur in your hormonal balance from time to time, you may have heavier growth perhaps once in a year.  This is quite normal.  Keep in mind that the diminishment of hair growth will occur gradually, despite this occasional heavy growth, and this does not mean the treatment is not working.